Monday, June 4, 2012

The Clutter Bust

 Hello readers! Just a quick thought for today. . .

   If I could show you my room five to ten years ago, you might puke, cry , laugh or some gruesome combination of all three. I was disorganized, messy and just had too much stuff. Stuff that I no longer even remember because it did not hold lasting value. When de-cluttering, here are some things to remember.

-      You are not throwing anyone away
-      Your value is not in your things. Everyone has things that they love, and they are fine to have, but your true worth lies within.\
-      Paper is your enemy. Receipts, junk mail, bills, notes, cards, catalogs ect. Create a filing system and get a shredder. Go through the mail immediately. Thirty seconds now saves you minutes later.
-      If you haven’t worn that shirt in a year. . .how likely are you to wear it in the next six months?
-      Question yourself. Why are you keeping this?
-      Go at your own pace. De-cluttering is a process. It shouldn’t be done overnight. 

  •     Don’t let it scare you! Fear holds us back from way too many things, including our own space.